The Power of How Much You Want It by Ronny R. Flores is divided into three sections: Preparation for Success, Definition of Objectives, and Inspiration to Action. This book, in its subtitle, asserts that success happens when you really know what you want and you want it badly enough. The first part of the book helps readers prepare themselves in achieving success in life by first looking at life’s transitions as opportunities. It continues with some helpful pointers on how to find one’s objective in life, and how to make the mind and body work together. The author further expounds on the power of the imagination. And lastly, he inspires the reader to take action and summarizes the tools that are needed to be able to become a successful person.
This is a book on how to transform your life and become successful at whatever you do. With such a topic, you may expect a lot of pages, but The Power of How Much You Want It consists only of 132 pages. And this is one of the reasons why it can be quite effective for everyone as it is an easy read. Straightforward and organized, Ronny R. Flores gets his point across without using so many words. Indeed, people tend to go to great lengths when they really want something, so there is no reason to be unsuccessful, if you absolutely know what you want in your life. It may come as a surprise to many, but I believe that a lot of people do not know what they really want in life. The ability to recognize that any transition in life is also an opportunity for something perhaps bigger than what you already have is very important. If you want to walk on a road that leads you to success, this book is for you.
The Power of How Much You Want It by Ronny Flores is a self-help book that focuses on the importance of our inner will and power in helping us achieve success. Ronny Flores lists the three simple steps that result in success and then explains what needs to be done under each step. The book emphasizes the importance of preparation, setting goals, and finding inspiration. He explains that success can only be achieved if we honestly acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses, set our objectives, think positively, do not give in to fear, indecision and doubt, are able to visualize our end game, and ensure our mind and body can work as one. The book clearly states that success does not just happen; we have to be willing to go the extra mile in achieving our set goals and we can take inspiration from a variety of things that surround us in our day-to-day life.
The Power of How Much You Want It is a very informative and inspiring book that shows that realizing our life goals is not very hard; as long as you want it badly enough you can have it. Ronny Flores takes examples from our daily life, like using Mother Nature for inspiration, to show that achieving success is not as hard as we may think. The book also acknowledges the fact that we are all different, and may have different life goals, but the basic principles for achieving those goals are the same. The book is very realistic and I found it easy to relate to the advice and tips that are mentioned therein.
The Power of How Much You Want It by Ronny R. Flores is a three-chapter guide for people wanting to know more about how they can reach their goals and the steps to a successful life. This book presents the steps you should follow, from preparing for success, to defining your goals, and inspiring you to take action. After reading it, you will know how to prioritize your goals and actions towards a life of fulfillment. People don’t often think about what really lies behind their lack of success, about why their dreams are not coming true. The book focuses on explaining to readers how to reach a higher level of confidence, how to know their true selves, and most importantly, how to apply all of these aspects in a successful strategy for improving their lives.
Personal improvement books are very popular and a lot of authors have tackled this subject, but Ronny Flores’ experience and style of writing make The Power of How Much You Want It one of the most interesting of them all. It is easy to read, engages you right from the beginning and, one by one, offers you all the answers that you need. The most important thing when defining and acting towards a goal is to fully know yourself, your limitations, your powers and priorities, and this book does a great job explaining this to its readers. The power of change lies in all of us and, according to the author, the most important thing is to know why you want and need to change; once you have cleared this aspect, everything else will flow together smoothly.
If you are tired of pointless self-improvement guides and books that lack the information that you actually need, give this book a try; you will not regret it.
While there is no shortage these days of motivational books aimed at achieving a successful life, there is at least one such book that appears to have broken through this massive category with a clear, easy to grasp process of how to set, pursue and reach that objective.
This book, “The Power of How Much You Want It,” is written in such a relaxing style that it seems as if the author, Ronny R. Flores, is personally giving the reader not only simple but important instructions, but also the confidence and the courage to overcome any obstacles during that successful journey.
Flores, who applied these lessons to his own successful life, noted in one chapter that anyone who reads his book – whether a teenager trying to get better grades in school, or an adult seeking a better job, a better home or a better life – can achieve that goal “when you want it bad enough.”
Of course, as Flores strongly suggests, to really want that something in your life, you have to know what that something is, in specific detail. Once that is accomplished, he takes you through the process of how to intensify your motivation and determination to reach your objective.
As he further writes, we all have reasons to change, and then encourages the reader to state what his reason is for changing to a better life. Flores then explains his “Power Tools for Success,” including Reason, Objective, Initiative and Strategy, with support from Courage, Compassion, Motivation and Determination. He clearly explains how each of these tools and support work toward obtaining one’s stated goal.
For example, he explains that “Strategy is your action plan that when faithfully executed will satisfy your desire to be a better student or more effective teacher; a respectable manager or more versatile employee; a competent clerk or a more outstanding leader.”
This book helps you to not only learn more about yourself, but how to inspire yourself to make personal improvements as you progress to your goal.
In essence, Flores provides you, the reader, with the means to obtain the confidence and faith to believe in yourself during your quest to a new and better life. And he encourages you to “Love yourself, forgive yourself and be compassionate with yourself whether at the beginning, midway point or near the end of your journey.”
If you, the reader, find that you have stumbled, or temporarily lost your way, Flores’ book, as if it were Flores himself, will be there for you to grab onto a few inspiring paragraphs to continue your journey to fulfillment.